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As a Design / Build company, will you work with an architect or designer that I have already retained?Yes of course, we like to be a part of the process once the conceptual design has been approved. We also think its extremely important that the budget is discussed early on in the process in order to know things are moving in the right direction.
Do you competitively bid projects against multiple contractors?No, we prefer not to and have found that a project with a “competitive bid” structure is a race to the bottom and doesn’t truly match you or your project with the right General Contractor. In order for your project to have a successful outcome there needs to be transparency with realistic numbers and how they relate to your project. Competitively bid projects driven by a low number will trick you into thinking it’s a realistic price. What really happens is that the odds of Additional work, due to unforeseen conditions increases as do the Change Orders. Competitively bid projects force contractors to only look at the drawings with the mindset that they will need to lessen and eliminate certain elements to insure they will win the bid. You wouldn’t seek out an inexpensive or mediocre surgeon, someone who is looking to cut corners or speed up production in order to meet, what could be, an unrealistic quota. So why would you allow the lowest bid contractor to build your project or work in your home?
Do you give out free estimates or detailed proposals?No, we do not give out free estimates or detailed proposals. In order for you to receive a detailed proposal by us for your project we will be in stage two of our five phase design / build process. There is a fee associated with the work involved in this phase and it is based on the size and complexity of your project. This phase allows us the time to do the proper research necessary, it involves our team of sub-contractors and vendors to go through the project both onsite and in the office to put the full scope of work together. Once all of this work is completed we will then have you into the office to go through the project budget using our Build book project management program. Upon an executed building contract a portion of the initial fee will be credited back to you or the overall project budget.
How much will my project cost?This question is usually asked early on in the process and even though a lot of projects have similarities, every project is different and unique in its own way. We can offer price ranges based on past projects and historical data we have gathered over the years. In order for us to really dive into the numbers and complexities of “your" project we will need to spend the time to thoroughly put all the pieces together.
When we ask – What is your desired budget range for this project or what is your level of investment going to be?Typical answer – “Well, I don’t know how much this stuff costs” “The budget is not an issue” Real Answer - The budget is always an issue and there is always a budget. In fact it is important to have a budget and to know what number scares you. You should also know what you are comfortable spending. When we ask for your budget range it helps us to understand your level of investment and if this project will be a good fit for us. You will expect transparency from us and in turn we will expect it from you. Our work is not cheap or inexpensive but the value and peace of mind our team will bring to the project will ensure its success and lasting beauty.
How do you price the small projects within the Handyman Division?This work is typically executed on a “time and materials” basis. We will send you a rate sheet that will detail the estimated manpower and materials that could be necessary to complete the project.
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